Specialties: |
nee |
What does model #11010 like about acting/posing:
Malina likes to play different games, especially she loves to play animals.
Malina very active and with big imagination.
loves pippi the longstocking |
Other hobbies of model #11010 :
1. She likes to dance very much
She also likes to cut paper with scissors, her experience began with 2 years,
loves different animals, mouse, horse, dog...
she like drawing
she like swimming, she can swim 6-7 meters and also underwater |
Instruments: |
She goes to choir lesson, She loves to sing, a little strumming on guitar https://youtu.be/xXvZKGrsWrU |
Spoken foreign languages: |
(Malina speaks Dutch and Russian also a bit of English (understand and answer if asked)) |
Spoken dialect(s): |
Character description of model #11010
great imagination
likes to play, a lot of energy
leads long conversations with people who meet on the street,
open, sociable |